After singing the rental contract with Home, please prepare your move:
Sign up for electricity. If not explicitly mentioned otherwise in your contract with Home, you will be responsible for setting up an electricity contract on your own. You are free to choose the provider that suits you best. To sign up, you will need the meter number ("Stromzählernummer") as well as the meter reading ("Zählerstand") which you will find in your handover protocol. Most Home tenants find the cheapest and best providers here.
Sign up for Internet. If not explicitly mentioned otherwise in your contract, you will be responsible for setting up an Internet contract on your own. Each apartment unit in Germany has a TV and internet connection by default. There are several useful online platforms to compare the internet providers available at your new apartment. The respective provider can then also give you more information on which services are available and if a technician might have to visit to make everything work. If they need access to the engineering room in the basement and it is locked, please let us or the caretaker know at least 3 days before the appointment so we can make sure someone can give access. Most Home tenants find the cheapest and fastest providers here.
Sign up for Gas. If your apartment has a gas meter, please book your new gas provider ideally more than 4 weeks before your move. Most Home tenants find the best providers here.
Liability insurance. You need a private liability insurance in case of e.g. a fire in the apartment. We recommend to check this list of providers.
House insurance. We recommend getting a home insurance. Most Home tenants find the best providers here.
Relocation. If you need a company to help you move, we recommend booking it at least 4 weeks in advance. Most Home tenants find the best providers here.
Organize the return of your old apartment. Cancel your old rental contract if not done yet. Agree on a handover of your old apartment back with the owner. Plan and execute necessary repairs and aesthetic repairs. Ask back the deposit for your old apartment.